Attorney Referrals
Our team appreciates the many attorneys who refer clients to Rawls Law Group. With few exceptions, the experience has been positive for us, as well as for the lawyers we work with.
Working with Rawls Law Group
Brewster has tried well over 100 medical malpractice cases throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Glen Sturtevant is a trial lawyer with a state-wide and national litigation practice. He has wide-ranging experience dedicated to representing clients in complex civil litigation, with an emphasis on medical malpractice and healthcare litigation.
Millions of injuries are caused by medical errors, sometimes quite devastating ones. That’s why medical errors are one of the top causes of death in the United States. They can and do happen to anyone, even doctors seeking treatment too.
The way we run our law firm is a little different than how other firms function. We are committed to ensuring that our team is never overburdened so that each client will receive the attention and prioritization he or she deserves.
Plaintiffs' Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Richmond, VA
We frequently work with other lawyers. We welcome referrals and co-counsel relationships. Frankly, it makes us better lawyers.
Other law firms recognize our skills as trial lawyers. For over thirty years, Brewster has had the reputation of being a lawyer who is not only not afraid to try a case, but excellent at doing so.
In 2020 and 2021, we had the largest jury verdicts in Virginia. Both of those cases were co-counsel arrangements.
In 2021, we tied for the biggest malpractice settlement in Virginia. That was a referral case.
What is also important is that we are willing and able to be creative about fee arrangements.
If you have a potential case you would like to discuss, contact Brewster or Glen. They are happy to talk and work with you.

Virginia Medical Negligence Lawyers
Brewster has tried well over 100 medical malpractice cases throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. There are few, if any, lawyers currently practicing who can come close to matching that number. Glen Sturtevant is a trial lawyer with a state-wide and national litigation practice. He has wide-ranging experience dedicated to representing clients in complex civil litigation, with an emphasis on medical malpractice and healthcare litigation